Thursday, 27 August 2009

Wow Wow

Wow wow, a month i have not post anything here. Too occupied by hubby, assignments, lesson, work. I began to miss the life when no part time course, stay at home with Tiong-san enjoying our times together. Sometimes I just too tired, did not spend enough quality time with him.. He is an understanding hubby, helping me out on some chores at home. :)

Now I must learn to juggle my time well. Time management is something I have to master, juggling my personal life, work and study at the same time. But first of all, i must not be to perfectionist, can't set too high standards for myself. I dun wish to stress myself, cos health more important. There are other priorities that come later to accomplish. Must tell myself to take it easy.

I like both HRM and MM modules, first time do assignments for both is quite tough. But I think I still doing ok. Just keep up momentum :) Enrich my knowledge, brush up my soft and written skills and hope to improve my ability in handling life and work.

By the way, I have taken my 3rd jab. Last jab to go on next month and the menopause effect will last 2 more months. When seeing others having new member on the way, can't help feeling useless and helpless at times.

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