Tuesday, 4 May 2010

I passed my first trimester :)


I have an exciting, wonderful news to break.  I'm in my 13th week and the bb should be around nearly 70mm big.  Tiong-san has been thrilled and unbelievable to the miracle happened.  Both of us are thankful for our families praying for us all these while.

I used up quite a fair bit of my medical leave to do the follow-up appt and other tests in KK.  Hopefully, I have enough to last this year.

Upcoming, is cardiac test, i hope the results are good.  I want bb well and healthy, that's most important.  BB have been very good to me, just made me very tired and sleepy for the 1st trim.   I'm sorry I have been very sick for the past few days, BB must be not feeling good either.

I must thank chinese sinsei I'm seeing, i believe eating his med really helped to make miracle happened.

P.S:  For constipation, consume high fiber fruits such as kiwi, banana(i dun eat).


Aeris said...

That is very good news. Don't worry, all will be well and good.

h2oVapour said...

Congrats!! hee hee..
Dont worry.. u've 4 months maternity leave ahead of u..